What is SEO its Types and Role For a Business

In this post, we are going to discuss about what SEO is, what its types are, and most importantly, why it is vital for your business. I know most of you must be familiar with the term SEO. Though, I am going to tell you what SEO is basically because SEO, these days, is very vital than ever before, and it is extremely important for every website owners to comprehend the actual meaning of SEO as well as its potential for every businesses.

Let’s move ahead straight to the point without wasting any time.

So, what is SEO?

In simple words, like I say most of time, SEO stand for Search Engine Optimization, and it is nothing but a technique to increment the visibility of your website in the SERP (Search Engine Result Page). Basically, SEO incorporates some set of rules, which if followed, can increment your website’s search engine rankings.

Now, let us have a glance at the types of SEO.

Without a doubt, there are two types of SEO, namely, White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO. Let me elaborate that further more.

So, White Hat SEO is a collection of techniques that follows search engine’s guidelines to increment the ranking of a website in the SERP. Some of the White Hat SEO techniques includes but not limited to high quality content development, website HTML optimization and restructuring, link acquisition campaigns supported by high quality content, and so forth. It offers long lasting growth in the ranking.

On the other hand, Black Hat SEO is all about exploiting the weaknesses of search engine’s algorithm with the end goal to increase your website’s rank. Some Black Hat SEO techniques includes but not limited to link spam, keyword stuffing, cloaking, hidden text, and so forth. Truth to be told, it offers short lasting growth in the ranking. What’s more, it can even get your website blacklisted from the search engines forever.

The result of Black Hat SEO techniques can be really horrible, and can give you nightmares sometimes.

I guess, it is time now to look at the role of SEO in a business. So, let’s start.

Owing to the huge competition in the online marketplace, it is very imperative than ever before to utilize the power of SEO. Every second of the day, search engines helps millions of individuals who are seeking out for answers to their questions or for solutions to their problems.

If you have a website, you can utilize SEO to meet the goals of your business.

Great degree of individuals, who uses search engines, are more inclined to click on one of the top 5 URLs from the SERP. If your website does not appear in the top 5, you are missing a big piece of pie. This is where the role of SEO comes into the play. By optimizing your website, you can make the most of it and meet the objectives of your business.